New Version of Corporate Service Project Management and Workflow Solution Enhances Annual Report Filing, Client Billing and Order Entry Management.
Jersey City, NJ — March 2, 2015 — CorpData LLC, provider of enterprise order management and workflow solutions to the corporate services and registered agent services industry, announced today the general availability of EntityManager™ 3.9, their web-based software solution. EntityManager is a software platform for corporate services project management on the web and in the cloud. EntityManager automates corporate services order processing and client billing workflow.
CorpData’s EntityManager is a web-based business process automation tool designed to help corporate service providers, business formation and registered agent service providers to process and manage client orders and payments. EntityManager reduces time spent on routine tasks, reducing overhead and enabling a higher level of service. From initial order placement to ongoing management, invoicing, and annual renewals, EntityManager helps users to keep track of critical information and respond to changes and deadlines, quickly and efficiently.
This latest version of EntityManager 3.9 is a technology platform upgrade that includes major improvements in usability for Annual Report Filing and Order Entry and Processing:
1. Technology Upgrade to Framework .NET 4.5 – This system wide upgrade is fundamental for future business solution development and support. The Framework .NET 4.5 upgrade will facilitate the integration with other state systems similar to CorpData’s current development project with the secretary of state of the State of Delaware.
2. Annual Report Filing Management – EntityManager facilitates annual report preparation and filings on behalf of the client. Our latest features include improvements in history management and annual report filing document generation.
3. Order Management and Client Billing Improvements – EntityManager 3.9 facilitates reduction of data entry by enabling copying data via selection of previously entered records, reducing the number of clicks and manual data entry is essential to productivity improvement. This release contains substantial usability improvements to sales tax configuration management and regular sales tax reporting.
Misha Vaynshenker, CorpData’s president and CEO, said, “We are a software company and developers of the EntityManager business solution for the corporate services industry including customer due diligence compliance. Our goal is to demonstrate a strong commitment to our clients, who are using our web-based technology to reduce overhead, while increasing both productivity and overall profitability. Further enhancements are in the product development pipeline, that we believe will help solidify our position as the technology leader in this space.”
About CorpData
CorpData, LLC, ( is a provider of entity management solutions for the corporate formation and registered agent services industry. Based in Jersey City, NJ, with technology development centers in Riga, Latvia, and Moscow, Russia, CorpData solutions enable workflow and customer relationship management for small and mid-sized businesses. For more information, visit their website at
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